Photos OnLine

Additional photos are available from If you are interested in the original high resolution jpegs, note the date and title on the individual photo and contact me at I will forward them to you.

* Korbach Jewish Cemetery – Photos of the Korbach Jewish Cemetery located at N51.27081 E8.87858.

* Korbach Museum Photos – Photos from the Jewish exhibit in the Korbach museum. Exhibit includes the Ner Talmid (Eternal Light) salvaged from the synagogue, remnants of the synagogue door, and an exhibit that included Lilli Mosheim as a Korbach “mensch”.

* Assorted Bar Mitzvah Photos – Assorted photos of the Bar Mitzvah Ceremony.

* Gudensberg Photos – Photos of the town of Gudensberg including the Jewish Congregation Center, the restored Jewish Synagogue, and the dinner reception for family and friends.

Other Trip Photos

* Buchenwald

* Neheim

* Wörms

* Rüdescheim am Rhein

* Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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